This story sounds like something out of a novel: A church called “Reconciliation” finds that it exists in the middle of a profound cultural and economic divide within its very own neighborhood. Next, it has to decide whether it can live up to its name.
That’s what a young reporter found when she came across this church on San Antoino’s Westside in the summer of 2017. On Sundays, the church pews held mostly wealthy worshippers. Outside the church, the neighborhood was mostly low-income. Inside, it was white. Outside, mostly Hispanic and Black. Is it possible to reconcile all those differences and build real equity and justice?
We checked with the church, and they tell us this story is still relevant today. It’s not a success story, but it is a story of real neighbors striving together for real change.
Read Darcy Sprague’s full article about Church of the Reconciliation in Echoes magazine.
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